Design & Authoring for Interactive Media

Week 2 - February 8,2017


Paletton is a color scheme designer, that allows you to smoothly and efficiently develop your own color palette. It has an abundance of features, that while I feel may clutter the website visually, ultimately prove themselves necessary upon use. To begin with, you can select if you want your palette to be monochromatic (1 color),adjacent colors (3 colors),a triad (3 colors), a tetrad (4 colors), or Free Style (4 colors). You then hold down shift and use the provided color wheel/circle to move/change colors and shades individually. The site allows you to undo/redo your last actions and even reset or randomize a palette. They even provide presets so that you are sure to start off your palette in a direction you want to go to. When you have developed a palette you are satisfied with you can hover and click on any of the colors to attain its color info. Ultimately the features on this website are extremely useful and visually I believe it works efficiently.

GPlates Cesium

GPlates Cesium is an interactive website that allows you to explore the movement of Earth's tectonic plates at different geological times. You can choose to view the site in either a 3D globe, 2D Map, or in their flat layed out "Columbus" setting. It provides a data set which allows you to view/visualize Earth's major post-Pangea rift systems and to compare the changes in full rift velocity. Basically, you can watch Earth's tectonic plates go from pangea to where they are now. Emphasis is obviously not placed on the design of the site but I believe it to be simple and effective enough to not distract it's user from its original focus.