This Is Sand is an interactive site which allows you to paint or fill up your screen with digital sand. You can change the color of the sand you want to drop on your screen and then you are free to do with it what you like. It seems to be used not just to create colorful sand mounds but to digitally paint as well. It has a simple and stylish interface and even provides a link to a well developed mobile app. Overall, I enjoy the website's simple design and find the added sand audio to be relaxing and fun.
Trash Loop is a game like website with a simple and straightfoward purpose. Using your mouse you pick up the crumpled trash paper and put it in the trash bin, just so that it can be spat back out again, creating an endless loop of pointless clean up. There are no extra features so you can spend as much time as you like in a loop of throwing away a single piece of trash and watching it be spit right back out again. Much like the purpose of the site, the design is also simple and straightfoward, with a monochramatic color scheme and minimal gradient shading. ((nice aesthetics™))