Design & Authoring for Interactive Media

Week 7 - March 15,2017 is a fun, simple interactive website in which users simply hover their mouse over any area of their screen to create works of art similar to creations by abstract expressionist painter Jackson Pollock. I admire the websites simple design and straightfoward interaction. I would criticize the lack of instruction (it took me experimenting on my own to realize to double clicking allowed for the user to change the color of "the paint") however i can see how the simplicity of the websites design could be infriged upon by the addition of text.

R2D2 Translator

R2D2 translator is exactly what it sounds like lol. This website allows you to type in any phrase/word you wish and "translates" it directly into the language of the loveable star wars droid R2D2. It provides not only sounds, but symbols in order to emphasized or more strongly represent its translation. While the website itself isn't the best graphically (a weird color palette of orange and blue?? not to mention poor text choice and image placement) it nonetheless provides an enjoyable and entertaining experience as well as links to a few other meaninglessly entertaining websites.